
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gujarat VAT launches a unique scheme for on-line issue of statutory forms from

Gujarat VAT launches a unique scheme for on-line issue of statutory forms

The Commercial Tax Department, Government of Gujarat, has recently launched a unique scheme of on-line issue of forms like C, H and F on their portal In a State where more than 11 lakh forms are issued annually, from now-on, a dealer will not be required to apply for obtaining blank statutory forms.

e-Returns filed by him will be considered as application. In a major initiative towards faceless tax administration, the system of issuing blank statutory forms in advance and in person is dis-continued. Further, no fee is required to be paid for obtaining statutory forms now onwards.

The CST return is required to be filed in the amended return form III- (B). As a part of process re-engineering, the amendment requires filing of details of sales / purchases along with return. The details of Inter-State purchase, etc. as prescribed in appendix-II, viz. name of seller, CST TIN of seller, Invoice number, date, amount, etc. are required to be submitted.

The Department will print requisite details like, name and TIN of the buyer and seller and transaction details on the forms and the printed forms, C, H or F as the case may be, will be dispatched by post / courier at the address shown in the Registration Certificate. It is required that all CST returns beginning 1.7.2008 are filed on-line in the new format.

To obtain these forms, it is mandated that VAT returns should be filed on-line for the same period and tax payment for the relevant period should have already been made by the dealer. In order to enable the department to process dealer’s application on-line, details of all the forms obtained thus far i.e. upto 30.6.2008 and used should be submitted in advance.

An innovative step in providing faceless and transparent administration is likely to prove a major milestone in the arena of tax administration.

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