
Thursday, December 26, 2019

TRACES (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System) // Question and Answer Of Deductor Statement Status // MONARCH // SUNIL RAJAI

TRACES (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System)
Question and Answer Of Deductor Statement Status

Question (1) : How can a Deductor / Collector check the status of TDS / TCS statement filed?
Answer : Status of TDS / TCS statements filed by a deductor can be checked by logging in to TRACES as deductor. This facility would be available only to a registered user of the portal.

Question (2) : What are the different statuses available on TRACES regarding TDS / TCS statement?
Answer : Following processing status shall be displayed for regular statement:
• Pending for Processing
• Processed for Form 26AS
• Processed without Defaults
• Processed with Defaults
Following processing status shall be displayed for correction statement:
• Pending for Processing
• Processed for Form 26AS
• Processed without Defaults
• Processed with Defaults
• Rejected

Question (3) : What are the common reasons for rejection of correction statement by TDS-CPC?
Answer : Following are the common reasons for rejecting a correction statement:
1) TAN is not valid as per data at TDS CPC
2) Statement corresponding to regular token number / previous token number field, as given in correction return, does not exist
3) Previous token number does not correspond to the last accepted correction statement at TDS CPC
4) Correction is filed for a regular return which is in cancelled state
5) In a correction statement, below are the verification keys which should match with the corresponding fields of regular statement :
• RRR assessment year
• Return Financial Year
• Periodicity
• Previous Token number
• Last TAN of Deductor
• Receipt number of Original / Regular Return
• Form number
6) Sum given in 27A form should match with the sum of deducted amount of deductee records given in the correction statement

Question (4) : What are the reasons to reject the correction in deductee records by TDS-CPC?
Answer : Rejection reasons pertaining to deductee details are as follows:
• In a correction statement that updates / deletes deductee rows, verification keys from deductee data that should match with corresponding fields in regular / previous return are - Last PAN, Last total amount deducted at source, Last total amount deposited
• Updation / deletion on deductee record is submitted in a correction statement but this deductee record does not exist in previous/ regular return
• Valid PAN to invalid PAN update is not allowed for a deductee row
• Deductee detail record number should be unique in case of addition of deductees
• If value of Reason for non-deduction / lower deduction / higher deduction / threshold field as per regular or last correction statement is 'C' , then update can be performed only on 'PAN', 'Amount of Payment' and 'Date of Payment'
• Deletion of deductee record having value C in Reason for non-deduction / lower deduction/ higher deduction / threshold field, is not allowed
• Valid PAN to another valid PAN update can be done only once for a given deductee row

Question (5) : What are the reasons to reject the correction in salary detail records by TDS-CPC?
Answer : Rejection reasons pertaining to salary details are as follows:
• In case of salary detail PAN update or delete of salary detail record, last total gross income should match with corresponding value in regular / previous statement
• Salary detail record on which correction is filed does not exist in the regular / previous return
• In case of addition of salary detail record, the record number should be unique and in sequence with the existing records in regular / previous return

Question (6) : I filed TDS statement by using third party vendor and received acknowledgement for the same. However, whenever I tried to check my TDS statement status by using acknowledgement number provided by third party vendor I am getting an error 'Invalid Token Number'. What should I do?
Answer : Acknowledgement issued by third party vendor does not mean that original TDS/TCS statement successfully filed at TIN-FC. An acknowledgement carrying fifteen digit provisional receipt number, SAM value & HASH value issued by TIN-FC is the proof of the proof of TDS/ TCS statement successfully filed.

Best Regards,

TRACES (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System) // General Question and Answer Of Deductor Statement // MONARCH // SUNIL RAJAI

TRACES (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System)
General Question and Answer Of Deductor Statement

Question (1) : Who is required to file e-TDS / e-TCS statement?
Answer : As per Income Tax Act, 1961, all corporate and government deductors / collectors are mandatorily required to file their TDS / TCS statements on electronic media (i.e. e-TDS / TCS statements). However, deductors / collectors other than corporate / government can file either in physical or in electronic form.

Question (2) : What will be the consequences if I do not file TDS / TCS statement within due date?
Answer : There will be a levy of Rs. 200.00 per day under section 234E of the IT Act, 1961 from the due date till the date when statement is filed.

Question (3) : Is there any penalty for non-filing of TDS / TCS statements?
Answer : Yes. If TDS / TCS statement is not filed for one year from the due date of filing, there would be a penalty of minimum Rs. 10,000.00 to Rs. 1,00,000.00 for not filing TDS / TCS statement under section 271H of the IT Act, 1961.

Question (4) : Can I file statement for which I have already submitted non filer declaration on TRACES?
Answer :Yes, you can file a statement for which youI have already submitted non filer declaration on TRACES.

Question (5) : Why I need to submit non filer declaration on TRACES if I have valid reason for not filing a statement for specific quarter/ financial year?
Answer : While submitting the non filer declaration on TRACES, you will be getting list of valid reason from dropdown. If you will not submitting the non filer declaration for the statement which you have valid reason for non filling , you will be receiving notification / intimation from TDSCPC as defaulter for non filing a statement within due period.

Question (6) : What are the due dates for filing of statement?
Answer : The due dates for filing statements for different forms are as per the below table:
Form 24Q, Form 26Q, Form 27Q, Form 27EQ
Quarter Period Government Deductor Non-Government Deductor
Q1 1 Apr - 30 June 31st July 15th July
Q2 1 July - 30 Sept 31st Oct 15th Oct
Q3 1 Oct - 31 Dec 31st Jan 15th Jan
Q4 1 Jan - 31 Mar 15th May 15th May


Best Regards,