
Friday, January 10, 2020

TRACES (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System) // Question and Answer Of PAO // MONARCH // SUNIL RAJAI

TRACES (TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System)
Question and Answer Of PAO

Question (1) : What are the activities that a PAO can perform through TRACES?
Answer : PAO can perform the following activities through TRACES:
• Registration on TRACES
• Manage user profile, change password, etc.
• View Dashboard
• View statement status for a particular TAN (DDO) mapped to the PAO

Question (2) : How do I navigate to Landing (welcome) page from any other page?
Answer : Click on 'My Home' in the menu bar to navigate to your landing page..

Question (3) : As a PAO, how will the dashboard information be helpful to me?
Answer : In Dashboard, you can view quarterly PAO-DDO mapping, count of DDOs mapped, Total count of DDOs for each form type, Count of BIN generated, 24G filing compliance, Remitted-Reported Compliance, invalid cases related to AIN-PAO, etc.

Question (4) : How can a PAO view statement status for a TAN?
Answer : Click on 'Statement Status' in menu bar and enter the input details and click on 'Go'. It is mandatory to enter TAN for which statement status is to be viewed. Clicking on value of 'Count of Unmatched BIN(s)' for a particular Quarter and Form Type will display the validation screen, after which, you can view the Default Summary for the TAN for the selected FY, Quarter and Form Type..

Question (5) : What does the Default Summary screen indicate?
Answer : Default Summary screen displays the default details for the particular TAN for the selected FY, Quarter and Form Type. It will display details such as Token Number and Order Passed Date for the regular statement and two latest correction statements, count of correction statements, Count of Total BIN(s) as well as Count of Unmatched BIN(s) and the comparative view of BIN details from the TDS statement filed by the deductor vs. the Form 24G statement filed by the PAO..

Question (6) : What are the details that I need to fill in the validation screen?
Answer :Receipt Number of the latest accepted regular statement for Form 24G must be entered in validation screen. Other details include statement summary as per Section 6 of Form 24G for the specified Receipt Number..

Question (7) : What are the details that I need to fill in the validation screen?
Answer : Receipt Number of the latest accepted regular statement for Form 24G must be entered in validation screen. Other details include statement summary as per Section 6 of Form 24G for the specified Receipt Number..

Question (8) : What is Authentication Code?
Answer : Authentication code is generated when you clear validation details for a statement (KYC) for certain functionalities such as Download Form 16 / 16A, Download NSDL Conso File, Download Justification Report, etc. Authentication code generated for a particular statement will be valid for the calendar day (i.e., an authentication code generated on 10-Jul-2013 can be used only on 10-Jul-2013 to clear validation details for the same statement. It will not be valid the next day)..

Question (9) : Should I enter Authentication Code if I am trying to clear validation details for the first time during a day?
Answer : No. While trying to clear validation details for first time, you will not have the Authentication Code, hence you are not required to enter this value. You can proceed by entering other details for validation on this screen (i.e., Receipt Number and statement summary details). On completion of validation, Authentication Code will be generated and displayed when you proceed to next page. You may copy the code and keep for re-using it during the same day..

Question (10) : Is it mandatory to enter Authentication Code?
Answer :No. If Authentication Code has been generated for the statement for which you are filling up validation details, you can enter it in the field provided for the same. It will facilitate users to avoid filling up validation details repeatedly in case user logs in again at different time of the day. If it has not been generated or if you have not saved it, you can proceed by entering other details on this screen. .

Question (11) : What is the advantage of Authentication Code?
Answer : Authentication Code is generated to facilitate users to avoid filling up of validation details repeatedly in case user logs in again at different time of the day..

Question (12) : How do I update my organisation / communication details in TRACES?
Answer : After clicking on 'Profile' in menu bar, user must clear the validation screen for the Profile screens to be displayed. User can edit details in any of the Profile tabs and click on 'Save'..

Question (13) : How do I change my TRACES login password?
Answer :After clicking on 'Profile' in menu bar, user must clear the validation screen for the Profile screens to be displayed. User can edit password by clicking on 'Change Password' tab and click on 'Save'. Both old and new passwords must be entered to change the password. After changing the password, user must login next time using new password..

Best Regards,